This is where I recommend certain services or pieces of software relevant to the blogs content.
It might be bad for my SecOps , but I’m taking the risk.
I only recommend what I use or have used and vetted personally.
The reason why I recommend it is for you to get the same benefits that I had from using these services.
I might benefit from you ordering from one of the links below (if it actually involves paying for a license), in the form of affiliate commissions.
If you don’t want me to benefit from that but you still want to enjoy the service that you heard of from me – that’s fine. Feel free to visit the website separately 🙂
IT Equipment in Romania
Web domains
Crypto Cold Wallet , 2FA , Password Management
Crypto Hot Wallet
Password management
Web hosting
Create your single or multiple WordPress (or more) hosting account with Siteground
Romanian Domains and Web hosting
Cloud storage encryption
Order a Boxcryptor business license here
Order a Boxcryptor business license as a license key here
Try the Free plan for ProtonVPN here
Not security, I know, but relevant for the digital presence of your blog or business